Browse the Olive G Pettis Library catalog powered by
Click on the LibraryWorld logo to access OPAC (online patron access catalog) Enter "OGPL" into the space asking for library name. No password is needed.
Search by title, author, etc.
If we don't have what you're seeking, search in the state-wide NHAIS public access catalog. Then contact your librarian to reserve your selection through the
Inter-library loan program.
The OGPL Book Club is currently reading Unlikely Animals by Annie Hartnett. This book was chosen for Halloween/Mystery Month.
Our next meeting
is November 7th
at 6:30 pm.
is available to access 24/7 from the parking lot
areas closest to the Library and
inside during our regular hours.
The NHAIS Interlibrary Loan System provides search access to the holdings of libraries throughout the Granite State and supports resource sharing among the members.
Click on the NHAIS logo to search library catalogs across the state