Did you know you can access thousands of
e-books and audio books completely FREE?
When setting up your account for overdrive/libby, you will enter your library card number as the username and your last name as the password. Once you have logged in, you may go to settings to update your password.
Overdrive allows you to check out materials for 2 weeks at a time. You may be able to renew an item if there is no one waiting to access it. While this resource is digital, there is still a limited # of "copies" that are available.
If you have any problems with this, ask the librarian for assistance.
It's true! Through the New Hampshire Downloadable Books Consortium, 205 public libraries in NH provide free access to Overdrive aka Libby.
The collection is comprised of more than:
- 18,000 unique eBook titles
- 14,000 unique audiobook titles
- 5300 digital magazine titles